11 Aug, 2019

Beware Selling Clients the Brooklyn Bridge

By | August 11th, 2019|Divorce and Children, Divorce Finance|

When parties first engage in the divorce process, they often do not know the law, how their situation looks from the outside, and how things unfold in court. Part of the attorney’s role may be to give the client a gentle wake-up call. Sometimes when you're strategizing with them, they’re not sure what tools you may use to try and seal their case. In part because clients aren’t always telling you the full stack and sharing all their skeletons, I would not (more...)

26 Sep, 2018

Are You an Innocent Spouse?

By | September 26th, 2018|Divorce and Children, Divorce Finance, Separation Agreements|

One of the benefits of marriage is being able to file joint tax returns with a spouse. However, marriage brings a double-edged sword. On the one hand, spouses reap the benefit of being able to collectively have more money to live on if they're drawing from the same pool during their marriage and maximizing their tax benefits. The downside, though, is when the spouse with no knowledge of marital finances signs off on tax returns and it later comes to bite them. (more...)

16 Jul, 2018

Divorcing High Net Worth Couples

By | July 16th, 2018|Divorce Finance, Divorce Mediation Process|

How apropos is the expression, “Increased possessions, increased worries” or the lyrics to the song, “Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems” to high net worth divorces? In short, these are first world problems, but problems, nonetheless. The bigger and more intricate or complex the pie, the more moving parts there are to account for. The asset portfolio and sources of income streams and investments are multilayered and the “mandatory” “nondiscretionary” expenses and the definition of necessities have a significantly broader scope. The difference between (more...)

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