When Filing For Divorce Triggers a Reconciliation: Changing Your Mind About Divorce

When clients come to me in the beginning, they often do not know the state of their marriage. On a number of occasions, this has led to both parties signing an executed divorce agreement and, after I’ve filed it, call me to withdraw the papers and to stop the action before the judge signs it.  […]

It Ain’t Over ‘Til the Fat Lady Sings

A basic tenet of “fight or flight” is that when people are in an extreme state of anxiety, they’ll do nearly anything to relieve that immediate pressure and discomfort to get themselves to a more bearable state. This describes what divorced people go through quite well. People crave resolution and a path forward. There’s this […]

Divorcing an Addict

I’ve had many situations where one party is an addict and the other party has to deal with the repercussions or where both parties are addicts but one is more functional. In several cases, the parties actually met at AA. I’ve represented the addict spouse, the non-addict spouse, and neutrally mediated many cases involving addiction. […]