Remedies for a Blabbing Spouse

My last post explored the phenomenon of one spouse bad-mouthing the other spouse — to friends, neighbors and places of employment. In this post, we’ll address what you can do about it. There are a wide variety of strategies that can be used to, for lack of a better term, tell your ex to shut […]

When Your Ex Is Blabbing About You…Ruining Your Reputation

The idea of people speaking negatively about us is a huge source of shame for many. We all want to exist in the world thinking that we are well thought of, or at least neutrally thought of. Whether the negative thing is true or not, it’s obviously really unsettling.  One of the unique aspects of […]

When Filing For Divorce Triggers a Reconciliation: Changing Your Mind About Divorce

When clients come to me in the beginning, they often do not know the state of their marriage. On a number of occasions, this has led to both parties signing an executed divorce agreement and, after I’ve filed it, call me to withdraw the papers and to stop the action before the judge signs it.  […]