When Your Spouse Asks You to Move Out — Breaking the Seal on the Marital Home

As the pandemic stretches on, I’ve been doing a lot of early terminations of residential leases as part of divorces. It seems that some people who were “hanging in there” with their spouse are starting to reach the end of their rope. Perhaps these marriages would have lasted longer, but the pandemic moved up the […]

Divorce Inertia

Many of the people who have filed for divorce during the lockdown or are going to get divorced or separated once life returns to the “old normal” are not doing so exclusively because of issues that arose during the pandemic. Most are people whose marriages were already on the rocks — but were staying together […]

Is Your Attorney Asleep at the Wheel?

A lot of times people come to me for a second opinion or to have me take over their case. The complaint many people have about their attorney is not about billable hours. Rather, the chief complaint I hear is, “My attorney is asleep at the wheel and neglecting my case.” Is he/she, though? The […]