Is Your Attorney Asleep at the Wheel?

A lot of times people come to me for a second opinion or to have me take over their case. The complaint many people have about their attorney is not about billable hours. Rather, the chief complaint I hear is, “My attorney is asleep at the wheel and neglecting my case." Is he/she, though? The strategy in boxing is to wear down your opponent. Have him throw a lot of punches until he's totally drained. He may think he is beating you, (more...)

August 31st, 2020|Collaborative Divorce, Divorce Mediation Process|

Remote Mediation Works…for Now

“We're all riding the same ocean, but different people are in different boats.” I had heard that quote a long time ago, but it came back to mind as I was setting up my camera for a remote session. With videoconferencing, we’re inviting people into our boats — our homes — and that is a real and genuine experience. Remote mediation can be done quite successfully. In our firm, we view this as a time to be creating the agreements that will (more...)

May 18th, 2020|Divorce Mediation Process|

Flattening the Curve in Divorce

When I heard the term “Flattening the Curve” associated with COVID 19, it was eerily familiar, with great resonance.  Divorce is about flattening a different kind of curve. Instead of spreading out medical care, divorce professionals spread out the financial and emotional impact of divorce on a family.  COVID is here; it is looking society straight in the eye; there is no averting its presence; it’s the stark reality, so too is divorce when it’s impending and underway. It’s about spreading the (more...)

April 30th, 2020|Collaborative Divorce|

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Prior results do not imply future similar results. Communication does not imply Attorney-Client relationship.
