Any type of family law case can be mediated.

It is important to know your mediator’s style. For example, during mediation, we provide comprehensive and robust legal information and many of the options available for a wide variety of situation. We do not advocate for either side and no mediator should. Mediators are not acting as advocates in their mediation role. They are acting as facilitators. It would be aptly articulated to say that we represent neither side while defending both sides in that we have to raise red flags and ensure both parties are on equal footing to negotiate for themselves. We need to ensure the agreement has integrity, and can remain intact, even after the parties have their individual review attorneys weigh in with their comments.

Our style encourages open discussion and positivity. It optimizes efficiency and cost-effectiveness. It is a very practical, dive right in approach. It is about getting it done. Everyone speaks and is heard, but solutions are always what we focus on. That is where we put our time and energy. We focus on moving forward. We focus on the future and a promising one, at that.

All discussion and correspondences transpire with the mediator and both parties and we do not have ex parte communications with only one side.

Mediation typically results in a formal agreement being drafted and executed by the parties. The agreement memorializes the terms the parties have agreed to. More often than not, parties have individual review attorneys do a final review to add that element of individual representation in an otherwise neutral process.

In most instances, mediation is a pay as you go model, alleviating the need to submit a sizable retainer upfront.

In divorce cases, the mediator can file the parties’ written agreement and uncontested divorce paperwork with the courts towards obtaining the final signed Judgment of Divorce.

For more in depth information on mediation, please visit our mediation tab and divorce options tab.